Thursday, August 21, 2008

End of Summer, Beginning of School

So far, this has happened to me eighteen times, with no concrete end in sight (assuming I don't sell out and go to Google next year). Every time I start school, I begin this process of slowly burgeoning my sense of apprehension. I prepare and prepare and prepare some more for the transition from having complete control of my life to only having an intermittent sense of objectives and immediate next actions that I must finish. I don't really mean to, but by the time school actually starts and I'm no longer running every day, I am so wrapped up in how things will be and how I'm going to structure my life that I completely fall apart within the first few days, because by that point, no one in the world can keep up a system that complex.

This year, I'm doing it too, and even though I know that it probably won't make a difference, I'm planning on being on top of everything this time. Maybe I'll try harder now, knowing that I've gone eighteen years without living up to my full potential. Man, that sounds awful and I hate it. Well, more motivation, I guess.

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